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The Only Safe Way to Find Instagram Unfollowers

Find Unfollowers

Unfollow fast

No IG Access Needed

100% safe

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How It Works

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Why Choose FollowBuddy?

NO IG Password Needed

No need to share your Instagram password, keeping your account safe and your personal data secure.

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Find the Snakes

Each time you use FollowBuddy, we compare your followers to your previous audit helping you find unfollowers.

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Avoid Bans from IG

Unlike other unfollower trackers that can get your account banned, shadow banned, and restricted, FollowBuddy only uses data approved by Instagram

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Easy to use

Simple setup and user-friendly interface make it accessible for everyone.

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See who isn't following you back

One Time Audit
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See who isn't following you back

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Unfollow fast with one click account visits

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No ads

Most Popular
  • Just over $4 a month.

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Find unfollowers & who isn’t following back

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Unlimited unfollower audits

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Unfollow fast with one click account visits

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No Ads

Pro Plus
Best Value
  • Just over $8/month.

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Find unfollowers & who isn’t following back (for 3 IG accounts)

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Unlimited unfollower audits

followbuddy - Checkedheckbox

Unfollow fast with one click account visits

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No Ads

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Perfect for sharing, we won't pull a Netflix

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Trusted By Thousands


“I've been looking for software like this forever! FollowBuddy was super easy to use, and gave me all the information I needed. Highly recommend!”

Matt Shoes

Matt Shoes



“This tool is incredibly straightforward and user-friendly, providing me a quick look at who isn't following me back! They thought they were slick, BUT I SEE WHO ISN'T!! love this tool and will be using it for all my accounts!"




Owner of @eating and @ emotion

“This app is the best way I’ve found to see who’s no longer following me. I was surprised by how easy it was to use. The step by step guidance was perfect!”

Jack Bunce

Jack Bunce


“I just used FollowBuddy to check who had unfollowed me and it found a bunch of people who had recently unfollowed me, great insights to have as someone networking on Instagram

Josh Ryan

Josh Ryan



“FollowBuddy is a quick and easy tool that provides a sense of comfort as no login is required. It increases efficiency and helps clean out the clutter that can build up on our feeds in significantly less time than traditional methods. The safety is another huge reason we use FollowBuddy!”

Sunny Nakra

Sunny Nakra



“FollowBuddy has become an indispensable tool for my business. Its user friendly interface revolutionizes the way I manage my social media presence, allowing me to effortlessly track unfollowers and manage my following list. The direct links to accounts make unfollowing quick and straightforward. The capability to identify and remove fake accounts ensures that my follower base stays authentic and my engagement metrics reflect genuine interactions, a necessity in my line of work.”

Denim Wyatt

Denim Wyatt



“FollowBuddy helped me view my results without having to share my Instagram password. I was able to clean up my account in minutes.”

Musa Arafeh

Musa Arafeh


Wanna See Who’s Not Following You Back? 🤔
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© 2025 FollowBuddy, Inc. All rights reserved.

Terms & Conditions

Disclaimer: All of the data provided to you is based on the information provided to FollowBuddy at the time of purchase. We are not responsible for changes in information, nor are we responsible for any action blocks incurred on accounts from mass actions performed after receiving this data.